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Finds the closest parent which matches the selector for each selected element. Goes upwards the DOM tree until finds a match. If no match is found and empty DoMini object is returned.

The selector can be either a query selector string, a DoMini object or an Element. In case of a DoMini object arguments it's compared to the first element.


.closest(String selector): DoMini

console.log( 'Parents matching ".parent-class": ', $( "div" ).closest('.parent-class') );

.closest(Element element): DoMini

var el = document.querySelector('#myDiv');
console.log( '#myDiv is parent of selected: ', $( "div" ).closest(el).length > 0 );

.closest(DoMini elements): DoMini


Compares only to the first item from the DoMini object parameter, not agains all of them.

console.log( '#myDiv is parent of selected: ', $( "div" ).closest($('#myDiv')).length > 0 );

// Same as:
console.log( '#myDiv is parent of selected: ', $( "div" ).closest($('#myDiv').get(0)).length > 0 );