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Adds the elements matching the selector to the current DoMini object and returns it.


This function will not create new DoMini object, but appends the newly added elements to the current one.

.add(String selector): DoMini

Elements added via a query selector

$( "div" ).add('.more'),

.add(String html): DoMini

Elements added using direct HTML code

$( "div" ).add('<div class="more">Hi!<div>'),

.add(Element element): DoMini

Element added directly

var el = document.querySelector('#myElement');
$( "div" ).add(el),

.add(Array<Element> elements): DoMini

Add via array of Elements

var elements = document.querySelectorAl('.more');
$( "div" ).add(elements),

.add(DoMini elements): DoMini

Add element(s) via DoMini object

var el = document.querySelector('#myElement');
$( "div" ).add($('.more')),